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Cup final

Absolutely gutted I can't get to this one, but I'll be following the Twitter updates intently and I wish all the lads. management and fans the best of luck tomorrow. Come on 74, do us proud! :scarf:
This temporary visitor to Sheffield will be crossing the Pennines, so keep the snow away
Alan, I too am a temporary visitor to Sheffield this week, working until 7pm but have prepared my "can I leave early today" speech so should be there for KO if not will be there for half time.
love the chant at the end... '3-0 to the Dog and Duck'.... awesome performance from Greg with his superb handling all through the game to Beads up front, everyone was on top of their game... for me Tyler was MoM, but you could argue the case for all 11 .... absolutely deserved.

p.s. How bad were Witton!! :scarf::scarf::scarf:
Fantastic result did not go but kept up to speed by Fred's phone by his grandson.Seems the Dog and Duck waddled all over Witton .

First 10 minutes witton didn't know what hit them. They gave it everything for the rest of that half, but we were just too good, soked up all the pressure. Second half, witton ran out of ideas, and every time we had the ball they looked useless at the back.

We were the better team, we were louder and in greater numbers in the stands.

If that's all witton can do with all of the money from JRFC, god help them when that money stops.

The future is green!
There arent many posts on the Witton website except a post from an 1874 fan thanking Witton for the experience of playing in the Big League against quality opposition and remarking how the Dog and Duck Sunday League experience will not be the same after playing the Big Boys.

I think we should adopt the "Three-Nil to the Dog and Duck" chant more often.

I would have thought that over 400 out of the 490 attendance were 1874 fans.
Seems that the list of "apologies" from those who couldn't make the game tonight (me included) is almost as big as the long list of those who did make it (lucky folk). Plenty there, plenty who would've loved to have been there. The future is bright!