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Witton and the Northwich Guardian


I Live Here
May 16, 2014
I have noticed on the Witton website that they are moaning about the lack of coverage of Witton in the local newspaper compared to 1874.and they demand that Andy Simpson should beat a path to their door to report on them as they (Witton) are the "senior" team.

They remind me of JRFC and their demand that "a wealthy businessman" come to their rescue whilst the moaners led by WHS on the Witton thread make demands and order Andy S for an audience at Wincham Park whilst doing absolutely nothing themselves to help Witton raise its profile within the local community.

Thank God that we have a fan lead and proactive Board and PR savvy owners.
I wonder how many people are aware that the Northwich Guardian no longer has a presence in northwich .they have quietly relocated to Warrington
They seem to be losing the plot and inheriting the mindset and arrogant behaviour of JRFC fans.

Like many discussions that run off on a tangent this comment is bewildering.


"You will find the truth about 1874"...
I hope we are ready for a lawsuit against WAFC.
Not sure why there moaning he definately attends more Witton games than he does ours but the coverage he gives us is fantastic
Omg....how pathetic are they.......same old moaners I see!!
How many times do they mention being the senior team/town team......they don't even carry the town name lol!
All those years in the shadows has made them desperate to be top dogs.
They can't be bothered to do their own publicity but expect others to do it for free....how sad!
Perhaps it that no one really cares about wi**on.
Why write about stuff that no one is interested in......interesting stuff sells papers.......enough said lol! :scarf:.
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Interesting stuff does indeed sell newspapers and that is why people are interested in our Club because we are not arrogant enough to demand attention or rich sugar daddies to indulge us.

We do it ourselves and generate interest which will be a long hard road, but I am confident that we can do it and if not we will have failed or succeeded by our own efforts and not petulant arrogance or criminal activity.
Absolutely disgraceful comments by a Witton fan.... Who the hell do they think they are to dictate, they've definitely been around JRFC fans for too long.


At least not all Wittoners share the same views.
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As JL says news and interesting articles is what sells newspapers and the editorial staff of any paper have to print stories that sell their papers. It's a commercial decision and it may be more constructive for Witton to examine why they are not newsworthy and addressing that issue rather than expecting the world of the press to change to meet their needs.
See it as a learning experience, grasp it with both hands and move with the times.
I was chatting to Andy Simpson about this only today and as he knows who the disgruntled fans are and he will be at Wittons game on Tuesday evening then they will have the opportunity of addressing their complaints directly to him.
(Bet they wont though)
I was chatting to Andy Simpson about this only today and as he knows who the disgruntled fans are and he will be at Wittons game on Tuesday evening then they will have the opportunity of addressing their complaints directly to him.
(Bet they wont though)

They won't approach him, if they did they'd have nothing else to moan about
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Well well surprise surprise all you rabble defending Him and saying how brilliant he is for you - rather helps prove my point I think, if he wants to talk he can come find me I am at every game, but I would rather he explain it in writing -twitter, the forum, our programme, the paper ! He has plenty of options to explain to the Witton Albion fans why we are wrong, if he can convince me I am wrong with facts as I have proven in this weeks news then I would apologise. We are not demanding anything but fairness ! prove anything that I have said is wrong not just throw insults out.
Well well surprise surprise all you rabble defending Him and saying how brilliant he is for you - rather helps prove my point I think, if he wants to talk he can come find me I am at every game, but I would rather he explain it in writing -twitter, the forum, our programme, the paper ! He has plenty of options to explain to the Witton Albion fans why we are wrong, if he can convince me I am wrong with facts as I have proven in this weeks news then I would apologise. We are not demanding anything but fairness ! prove anything that I have said is wrong not just throw insults out.


WAFC and JRFC fans are the only Northwich Sports fans complaining about coverage in the Northwich Guardian.

It's one weeks news, you're spitting your dummy out because another local club has got more publicity than Witton Albion. You're in the Northern Premier league, not the Premier League, you're only one league above us, we're the biggest club in Mid Cheshire, you're only the senior club.
The biggest difference is we're extremely grateful for any news we get, now matter how big or small, no matter how often or not.

Don't know why I'm bothering to reply, the majority of your fans think the sun shines out of Simmo's a***

I'd post this on your forum but I'm banned.
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Andy Simpson doesnt have to justify himself to anyone, least of all us.

Incidentally I think you only use a capital H in describing a deity such as God or Jesus.
Do the Wi%%on 'fans' realise that a lot of the match reports and photographs are provided to the Guardian by the hardworking people at '74. Andy Simpson doesn't come to every game and is reliant on people producing reports and updates about what goes on at the club, therefore promoting their club.......the fact that we do and Wi%%on don't, don't start crying like babies when you don't get the publicity you want (not saying deserve!)
Reading some of the posts and "facts" by WHS and CJ on the Witton website I have come to the conclusion that WHS is Coli'ns dad and CJ is Donald Trump in disguise with his alt facts.

They are certainly as arrogant and egocentric as "The Donald"
Typical C.J...moaning about no much coverage on the week they had no game to actually cover.....doh!!
How thick can these lot get?? (That's not a challenge btw!!!).

And just another point C.J. .......we are not sticking up for Andy, just laughing at you and your moronic side kick Alan Lowe!!
When all you can do is throw abuse you have lost the debate, hope Simmo enjoyed his away day at ACFC I know I did.
When all you can do is throw abuse you have lost the debate, hope Simmo enjoyed his away day at ACFC I know I did.

Losing the argument is going on another clubs forum having a rant because no one else on yours agrees with you.
No discussion anyway, it's all one sided on both sides, you don't agree with us and we don't agree with you.

Suggest you don't mistake abuse with banter or fact