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It's OK i've sobered up now lol :)

Must admit it's disheartening to go back into lockdown and I am still not sure it is the right solution, but it looks like the PM was bounced into it by the scientists and medics
It's OK i've sobered up now lol :)

Must admit it's disheartening to go back into lockdown and I am still not sure it is the right solution, but it looks like the PM was bounced into it by the scientists and medics
And it is going to be tougher than the last lockdown given the time of year. They are going to be long, dark, tedious days for many of us. But if we are to prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed, then it is the right thing to do. It is just a month too late....
Personally I just think it was worth trying the local approach before going into this national lock down. What you can't legislate for is that people would not/will not follow the guidance, so we end up where we are now and this national lock down won't work either unless people follow the rules.

Other than that I agree with you - its going to be long tedious days and I think many people are going to struggle. Drink sales are going to go through the roof, which could leave us with yet another long term problem.

I take it all non league fixtures for November will be postponed?
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Assume the fixtures will be postponed but nothing confirmed yet.

I’ve seen that Michael Gove has already admitted that the lockdown could go on more than four weeks unless ‘R’ falls below one, something which they’ve said will be more difficult with schools and universities open unlike last time.
And it is going to be tougher than the last lockdown given the time of year. They are going to be long, dark, tedious days for many of us. But if we are to prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed, then it is the right thing to do. It is just a month too late....
But is it a Lockdown? Nobody is being told to not go out at all.
You can still go out to school, university, work, shopping.

The only places closed are social Indoor venues.

It would be good for the government to publish the track and trace data that shows how all the infections are being transmitted via the places they have closed - such as bars, pubs, restaurants, churches, gyms, barbers, beauty salons, hairdressers, non-essential shops and non elite sport venues!
The track and trace data doesn’t justify the closures.

Theres a vote on Wednesday, bar a few Tory Rebels, it’ll pass.

Would appear no one in the Government or the Opposition care about you or you livelihoods.
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I don’t agree with this lockdown but if we’re going to do it we may as well do it properly.

Keeping schools, universities and colleges open makes this a half-baked lockdown compared to last time and will prolong the agony for us all. I just feel sorry for all the small businesses and pubs and restaurants that have spent so much money getting everything Covid-secure only to be told to close again.
Ben, closing schools would mean making people responsible for the children they chose to have. Anyway, schools are just full of children; it’s not like they’re places of work for adults too.

NHS staff and teachers: the most shitted on workers when it comes to pay are those bailing everyone else out.
When this is all over - if not before - we should ALL be fighting for proper pay rises for these folk.
Ben, closing schools would mean making people responsible for the children they chose to have. Anyway, schools are just full of children; it’s not like they’re places of work for adults too.

NHS staff and teachers: the most shitted on workers when it comes to pay are those bailing everyone else out.
When this is all over - if not before - we should ALL be fighting for proper pay rises for these folk.
Nicki, I don’t want them to close or anything for that matter and fully agree they all deserve a pay rise.

I’m just of the opinion that we either don’t lockdown (my preference) or lockdown fully. We can’t have a bit of both worlds, which is currently the government’s approach which has been shown not to work.

Schools and universities are also the hotbed of infections, so by keeping these open how much is going to be achieved by this new lockdown? There are more than 135,000 teachers and support staff who have backed the National Education Union’s call for closures.
Schools and universities are also the hotbed of infections, so by keeping these open how much is going to be achieved by this new lockdown? There are more than 135,000 teachers and support staff who have backed the National Education Union’s call for closures.

Trouble is that close the schools and they will not go back this year !! Schools should not have closed over the summer, but hey ho that's an argument now gone.

We are getting close to whole school year being lost and next year's exams under threat already, this could be a generation that pays with their education for years to come
I hope MPs take time to look at this website before voting.

I hope MPs take time to look at this website before voting.

I might be being a little bit sceptical here, but there is no info on the web site re who the creators are. Are they academics? From the medical sciences sector?
Or maybe the web site is merely a mouthpiece for those who have a certain view of the Covid crisis? Difficult to tell as there is no such information on the site that I can see.
A real cynic might suggest that the Tufton Street mafia Might have some involvement....
Literally every case study on the website is from a reputable source such as the Lancet. It’s a collection of studies, all carried out by experts in their fields.

Maybe one can be too cynical at times...
Does it have the recent data from Australia in it? Victoria has had a successful very strict lockdown.

Of course, the one flaw is that the British public can’t find it in themselves to act responsibly.

I noticed that #wewillnotcomply was trending on Twitter over the weekend. You just know that ******some****** (that's ******some****** not all) of the people behind that; going on about their rights will be Brexit voters who denied a nation their EU citizenship and all the rights and liberties that brings.

Ah well, if the lockdown does go through on Wednesday, I guess the anti-lockdowners are just going to have to ‘deal with it’.

(Not sure how they were planning on not complying though... having a pint in a closed pub? Going non-essential shopping in a shop that isn’t open?.... or maybe just being complete knobs and congregating in big groups because it’s their right to. We sure know how to press the self-destruct button.)

EDITED: with added emphasis for those who chose to ignore it.
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Such a sweeping statement about lockdown sceptics being Brexit voters.

Suppose I could make a sweeping statement about remainers being pro lockdown because they’re overly hysterical by about everything? Doomsdayers, perhaps?

But of course, that would be a ridiculous sweeping statement to make.