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Where Would I Be.

There used to be shops on the railway station bridge in Northwich before it was developed, I think Jack Gee was one but what were the others?
I think there was a Barber's shop owned by Tommy Wilke's not sure about the others Tony,
You are correct Virgil,spent many a happy hour in there,does anyone else have remember it?.
It was opened by a internationally known sportsman and is still very popular today for nourishment.
Getting back to Tony's Question,I think there were 3 buildings on station Bridge Jake Gee,Tommy Wilke's? does anyone remember the other?.
Which pub would I be in,I have the name of a family who once owned Winnington Hall.
Clue 3.
It was a favourite with people attending The Morg on a Saturday night.
Correct Virgil.
Where would I be this time.
Clue 1. I could go for a paddle here.
Not correct Alan.
Clue 2. You could crash your car here with immunity.