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AGM Tonight

Is it just for ''GOLD'' members or can fans go also ??????????

Members only, but I think you missed the cut off point for signing up and having a vote.;) I believe the local press has also been invited. Promises to be an interesting meeting I believe. Obviously you are welcome to sign up in the coming months in readiness for next year :D
Will those not attending/non members get a decent report?
Will those not attending/non members get a decent report?

Members unable to attend have been promised a "Briefing Pack" following the AGM, on request. It's points 4.3 to 4.5 of the Stadium Update Report, though will (it says) go wider than just a briefing on the stadium update news.
Members unable to attend have been promised a "Briefing Pack" following the AGM, on request. It's points 4.3 to 4.5 of the Stadium Update Report, though will (it says) go wider than just a briefing on the stadium update news.
And non members?....or is it a funny handshake only club??.
It's not exactly making non members feel part of the "family" if only members are kept informed does it!
To be fair, I do think that some info should be made available to members only. [General statement] If you're THAT interested then pay your £10 a year. If you're not willing to pay £10 per year then you're probably not THAT interested or interested for the wrong reasons.

£10 a year isn't much (not quite the £5 a week the others are asking). Anyone genuinely interested should be able to find that. No funny hand shakes going on.

But let's be honest, in this social media driven world, nothing will stay under wraps for long anyway!! And it's only me saying that membership should buy some information - that's not actually how it is. Summaries of the meetings are always released.
To be fair, we are selling this club as a fan run (not member run) club!
Due to money being very tight at the moment I'm still debating to join and pay £10 a month, probably others are in the same situation, but like many in this financially tight world, I'd like to know where my £10 is going first and what progress the club I'm paying my £6 to watch is making.
So it's hardly asking the world to be kept informed as to the progress and goals otherwise how are we a "fan run" club?, and if it's info that's probably going to end up on social media why not share it anyway and show current and potentially new supporters how open and honest we are!
I buy 50/50 tickets, golden goal, am in the 300 club and have purchased many items from the shop so just because I haven't become a member yet doesn't mean I'm "not interested", far from it, otherwise I wouldn't be asking!
Gis a chance, we've all only just got in!!:p

I am sure some information will be relayed in due course to ALL of our excellent supporters.

My 2 numbers in 300 club contribute £8 - month to the club. (£96 a year!)
A member can pay £10 for a year.
They are told outcome of Agm I'm not......sounds fair!!....not!
People would have just got in and probably have work.
Give um chance :D.
To be fair, we are selling this club as a fan run (not member run) club!

Well yes - but there has to be some sort of membership when it comes to voting on aspects of the club so from that point it is strictly a member-run club as it's the members who vote on who should be on the board and on other issues. Of course, members can be influenced by general fan feeling.

I'd like to know where my £10 is going first and what progress the club I'm paying my £6 to watch is making.

I reckon that's fair.
One initiative announced tonight is the formation of a working group to look at how attendances can be improved.
Any supporters interested in joining the group and contributing ideas will be welcome.
Please let me know of your interest, the first meeting will be organised for early in the new year. It is envisaged that the group will meet bi-monthly or quarterly to formulate ideas, put them into practice and monitor progress.
Any supporters willing to participate, please see me at a game or contact me via email at [email protected]
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Its a good point - should everyone who contributes to the 300+ draw automatically be given membership?

In my opinion - no. But I do think it'd be a good idea to give all members entry to the 300 club as an incentive.
Not true Blackie, you may pay £8 per month for your numbers but around half of that gets paid back as prize money to the lucky winners.

A member pays £10 a year to be a member, not to have a chance at winning one of the monthly and bumper quarterly cash prizes - two completely separate schemes with different benefits.

As Nicki said I am sure all non members will get the updates from tonight through friends, family or media.

Steve - good idea. If I remember right Jack had some initiatives he was working on how to try and increase the fan base and attendances, how did that go?
To be fair, we are selling this club as a fan run (not member run) club!

Tonight was a shareholders meeting mate, all shareholders pay a fee for membership which gives them the privilege of first hand information. Like any shareholders meeting Im sure all relevant information will be passed to non shareholders in due course.

Anyway put your hand in your pocket, it's only £10/year, you tight fisted *******:D:D