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1874TV 1874TV - 1874 v Bootle 19/12/2015

Oh no!! Come on Mr Coates let's spend a bit to get this sorted!!

Really enjoy the highlights as do around 200 others
Its a fantastic service for fans not able to make the games. It keeps you in touch and involved and I would be happy to contribute to a replacement if the club don't want to fund it.

I've seen the comments about the camera getting damaged in the rain at Bootle last Saturday.

I have a JVC DVL 9500 video camera that I no longer use (and haven't for several years) - I would be more than happy to donate this for use by the club if it helps.....

No longer have the software or instruction manual for this, however, both are available online - let me know and i'll fetch it / drop it off for you if you want it (it's in pretty good condition)
Thanks Simon that would be fantastic as a back up.
Also glad to report however, that signs are good re the existing camera - I brought it into work today to let the IT lads have a butchers and it appears to be working fine - the battery seems to be the problem. This is not a big issue as I can run it off the mains via an extension lead until I get a new battery, so all go for tomorrow night and Saturday (weather permitting).:scarf::scarf: