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Comedy Show

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Then why do you always blame Rushe for the destruction of Northwich Victoria Football Club? Superman could not have repaired the damage already done.

Then SuperRushe flew in promising to make the Vics world a safer place but only delivered 95% Kryptoshite.
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Connett always made it quite clear he was in it for himself. Connett got the club to the Victoria Stadium (albeit by racking up hidden debts) this is why people believed in him.
Rushe was slippery from the start, making promises, lies, constantly playing the victim card when financial irregularities were uncovered. Paul you say it yourself about how Rushe might/is bankrolling the club - it is now your club that is happily accepting that money so really it's shame on you.
Rushe is a bankrupt and banned director but what are the limitations to his relationship/association with JRFC?
I suppose he can get into matches for free as a guest of the JRFC, he can also strut around WP like he owns it but can he help out on the turnstiles or sell match day programmes or walk on the pitch at halftime/fulltime?
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Interesting gate at Runcorn Town today. Average gate at 3 games before today 86. Today's gate v Vics in FA Cup 82.
Wouldn't order too many extra pies for the derby game at WP on Monday!
Perhaps the first real indications of the true level of support that remains for Vics?
Interesting gate at Runcorn Town today. Average gate at 3 games before today 86. Today's gate v Vics in FA Cup 82.
Wouldn't order too many extra pies for the derby game at WP on Monday!
Perhaps the first real indications of the true level of support that remains for Vics?

Poor Runcorn, probably thought they might at least make a bit from the gate playing a local team.
your very twisted individuals

Colon - can you at least make some effort at stringing together a sentence with the correct Grammar?

And as for us being twisted, well that is rich coming from someone who openly supports a bankrupt who hasn't the decency to pay a school what is owed to them.
Rushe supporters are very moralistic, except when it comes to the running of their own club.
Faticus Winch the bill to the school was under MC in the Steve Burr era. didn't see you volunteering to pay it off either
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