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Fundraising 💡 Last Man Standing


1874 Official
Aug 1, 2022
Reaction score
Not too late to still join the LMS competition. I will be at Brockton Tuesday night so you can catch me at the ground alternatively you can txt and pledge payment. £10.00 to my tel number 07803021729. Don’t forget to add your name .

We have 16 players so far and don’t forget if playing you will need to register your first premier league pick by Thursday evening .
Once selected that team has been used so win your through , lose or draw your out .
Game for strategy or simply stay in the competition.👍
Unfortunately match off yesterday which means i missed catching a fair few of you for payments.

Can you please use my bank details as below and if using for the first time reference your name and player number please
This is growing so please support. Don't wait till "next time " etc
Thank you..
M Ward
Dec 14th
Starting blocks again for LMS as 86 players start this round .
Fantastic support thanks everyone which means a pot prize of £430.00
Arsenal and Liverpool dominating this weeks selections ...
Ouch !! 53 players exit on the first Saturday !!
87 players confirmed so 34 left standing on Sunday 15th ..AM ....

Updated -Monday 16th - 29 players defo through with 1 player on Bournemouth this evening .
Last edited:
Confirmed 29 starting round 2 at the behest of the following losing teams
Arsenal -33
Wolves -1
Bournemouth -1
Man City -2
Brighton -2
Aston Villa -1
7 teams selected in this weeks round with 2/3rds voting on a West London Club !!
Congratulations to players 35, 38, 69, 81 who successfully navigated Match Day 17
83 players eliminated after 2 rounds !!
Final 4 select please for Boxing Day 26th & 27th games - Match Day 18 .
best of luck to the remaining 4 although it wouldn’t surprise me if we end up with a rollover the way this 4th round of LMS this season has gone so far.
Three (3 ) remaining and playing Match Day 19 .
Players 35, 38,81.
Some facts worth noting for this weeks games .
Three (3) different picks this week so possible LMS.
Our first ever winner of LMS is in the final three (3)
The winning team selected last time round is selected to win this time!
Good luck to all three (3) players
Down to the final two players 35, 81 who successfully navigated through Match Day 19 .
History as we embark on 5 rounds of LMS this time so selections for Match Day 20 await.
Unashamedly , i hope one of them loses quickly or better still both do ( sorry but never been very gracious in defeat !)
Then we can all get playing again .

I find the waiting is frustrating, presumably others do too ?? So a suggestion - why dont we run a simultaneous yet independent LMD 74( Last man down) competition ? Provided you enter LMS 74, then for a further entry fee of say £1 or 2 or 5 max , you must ensure you suggest a side that " must lose " every game . Most of us seem pretty good at picking losers so it could be fun ! It wouldnt have to be the 2 sides from the same game (though this weekend a classic would have been to take Ipswich to lose to Chelsea and probably Chelsea as the banker to win at Ipswich ...double whammy loser all round but fun all the same .)

Money generated on the LMD to be split with the club 50/50 as per LMS rules

Just some Hogmanay thoughts...I realise its potentially twice as much work for you WARDY but you are always on about money raising schemes !
Worth the consideration definitely, and I will need to think around rules getting the entries in as reminders are very much part of my LMS unlike others where if you fail to select you automatically lose or default to the bottom club (which in this suggestion works albeit it could default to a top team etc .

For now though LMS selections are Man City & Newcastle for Match Day 20
Congratulations to our LMS (last two players) who now have a week off before resuming on Match Day 21 14th /15th 16th Jan .
LMS resumes this evening after the FA Cup third round distraction.
Two players left so good luck to both .
Congratulation's to our LMS Winner Maggie Coates - who walks away with the £435 winnings .
Our first female winner who joins Matt Jones and Nick Hirons in picking up the coveted LMS prize .
I'm looking to go bigger than ever this time so spread the word amongst family and friends and come and play LMS the more the merrier .
New round will start Match Day 24 Premier League so get your £10.00 over to me ASAP and pitch your skills against my current champions .
It's the competition that get's everyone talking ......
If you want more info call me 07803021729 ....
Catch me today at the AFC Wulfriains game for LMS payments and new entries.
Football Card also around the ground .
Roll Up Roll Up come and play LMS .... VERY SIMPLE TO PLAY !

Great response so-far with 21 players signing back on .
A gentle nudge for those I'm calling my " always plays" to be prompt this time around as working to a deadline .
Great fun , talking point etc on match days and I want to be bigger than ever this time hopefully with a £500 + winning pot .
One game left in this next round of LMS -Chelsea V West Ham where we have 15 players hoping for a Chelsea win.
97 players registered this time round and 59 so-far have been knocked out after this weekends games . What a brutal round this one's been.
The positives here we have 23 players moving on to Match Day 25 with a possible 15 more joining them .Good luck for those on Chelsea tonight.
PS - Match Day 25 14th February (FA Cup this weekend ) so selections in by Thursday 13th 5pm please.
Match Day 25 38 players left standing.

Six teams selected for this round with Aston Villa , Arsenal , & Liverpool taking up 90% of the vote between them.
There is also the possibility that this weekend we could have an LMS Winner however there's much football to be played and before then. Good luck ..