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Fundraising 💡 Last Man Standing


1874 Official
Aug 1, 2022
Reaction score
Not too late to still join the LMS competition. I will be at Brockton Tuesday night so you can catch me at the ground alternatively you can txt and pledge payment. £10.00 to my tel number 07803021729. Don’t forget to add your name .

We have 16 players so far and don’t forget if playing you will need to register your first premier league pick by Thursday evening .
Once selected that team has been used so win your through , lose or draw your out .
Game for strategy or simply stay in the competition.👍
A brilliant 43 players signed up for LMS which generated funds of £215.00 for the club.
After Match Day 1 we lost 7 players so 36 players remain playing going into Match Day 2
A few hearts in mouths as Newcastle scrapped through opening day where 48% of players lumped on.
Good luck this weekend and thanks for the support
We are now locked in and ready for Match Day 2 .
6 teams have formed the selection process this week and two are dominant so let's see if there will be any set backs this weekend !
Voting Teams - 43% - 29%- 11% -11% -3%- 3%
Match day 3 and we only lost 1 player from previous week so 35 players make it through . I’m away on hols so get those selections in nice and early this week as dodgy internet abroad makes things a little more trickier .
Selections all in for match day 3 . Dominated by two London clubs this week taking 63% of the vote between them .
Good luck to all players . How many left after this weekend ..
A break in the premier league this week and a chance to catch our breaths as both London Clubs results went against the big numbers last week ..
we are down to 11 players standing ..
Big week-end coming up and a big gamble, 82% of players using same team. Only two teams contesting this weeks LMS!
OMG - the gamble didn't pay off. We have an official Rollover .... I'm inviting all current players to re enter on their old player number £10.00
All new players entering will be at £20.00 due to the rollover pot !
This is due to restart in two weeks time to facilitate the entries. Next time round we will be choosing teams from the championship ....

If you wish to participate in the next competition give me a call on 07803021729 to confirm payment details ..

Heads up. POT will be + £400.00 for the winner so well worth the stake to enter.
OMG - the gamble didn't pay off. We have an official Rollover .... I'm inviting all current players to re enter on their old player number £10.00
All new players entering will be at £20.00 due to the rollover pot !
This is due to restart in two weeks time to facilitate the entries. Next time round we will be choosing teams from the championship ....

If you wish to participate in the next competition give me a call on 07803021729 to confirm payment details ..

Heads up. POT will be + £400.00 for the winner so well worth the stake to enter.
loving this one Wardy, My £10 on its way
Wardy, do i understand your post correctly. Next time round are we selecting on Championship and not Premiership games? What’s the idea behind that? Is it because Championship games are too unpredictable?
Purely trying something different - If you always do what you always done etc !
Should be fun whilst raising more income for the club.
LMS Championship
Plan is to reset and get new players ready to play Match Day 7 of the Championship round
Championship games are played Fri-evening through to Sunday evening and then re - set on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so you cannot dally around if you are through as you will need to select sharply again. (I would suggest think two games in advance )
The rounds are as follows:
Match Day 7 Fri - September 27th - Sunday 29th
Match Day 8 Tues October 1st - Wednesday
LMS Championship

Plan is to reset and get ready to play Match Day 7 of the Championship round
Championship games are played Fri-evening through to Sunday evening and then re - set on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so you cannot dally around if you are through as you will need to select sharply again. (I would suggest think two games in advance )
The rounds are as below :

New Players - You will need a player number from me and you will also need to deposit £20.00 into the Kitty ..
For new players I will explain how it works once you have committed to play . For the current players a further £10.00 is required.

We had 43 players last time around so I'm looking to get all 43 back playing whilst attracting further new players ..

Contact M Ward 07803-021-729

Match Day 7 Fri - Sept 27th - Sun 29th
Match Day 8 Tues Oct 1st - Wed 2nd
Match Day 9 Fri Oct 4th -Sun 11th
Match Day 10 Fri Oct 18th -Sun 20th
Match Day 11 Tues Oct 22nd -Wed -23rd
Match Day 12 Fri Oct -25th -Sun 27th
Match Day 13 Fri Nov 1st - Sun 3rd
Match Day 14 Tues Nov 5th -Wed 6th
Match Day 15 Friday 9th Nov - Sun 11th
Match Day 16 Friday 22nd Nov -Sun 24th
Match Day 17 Tuesday Nov 26th -Wed 27th
Match Day 18 Friday Nov 29th -Sun 1st Dec
Urgent Action Required

Last call for all old and new players to register for the next rounds of LMS .
Great way of driving more funds into the Football Club whilst having the opportunity to win some serious cash .
Already £215 rolling over from previous rounds so this time pot should clear + £400 .
Don't miss out - come and play.

New players use contact details above .
Urgent Action Required

Last call for all old and new players to register for the next rounds of LMS .
Great way of driving more funds into the Football Club whilst having the opportunity to win some serious cash .
Already £215 rolling over from previous rounds so this time pot should clear + £400 .
Don't miss out - come and play.

New players use contact details above .
Hi Wardy , this is stretching my knowledge, doing the NWCFL or Midland League might be your next venture ! Seems everyone can beat anyone in the Championship so its tricky but a great test.
Do you have to put forward for this weekend's games AND the midweek fixtures in one hit ( ie name 2 clubs to win by thursday ) or can we see what happens after the weekend and then if still standing we go again next monday with nominations ?
Doing the Counties or Midland is tricky as not all teams will be playing every weekend due to the Vase
Wardy, can you let us all know how many have entered the LMS championship once the deadline for entries is closed?
Hi Wardy , this is stretching my knowledge, doing the NWCFL or Midland League might be your next venture ! Seems everyone can beat anyone in the Championship so its tricky but a great test.
Do you have to put forward for this weekend's games AND the midweek fixtures in one hit ( ie name 2 clubs to win by thursday ) or can we see what happens after the weekend and then if still standing we go again next monday with nominations ?
That's a great shout Stewart albeit some veterans from the premier league have already reprimanded me for choosing the championship this time round . To answer the question the answer is - you can wait and see after this round but you need to be mindful that this league sometimes play twice a week so you have to be sharp in getting in your next team . I have specifically given dates when we are playing within this thread to be helpful. NB: You owe me £10.00
Wardy, can you let us all know how many have entered the LMS championship once the deadline for entries is closed?
Will do Gary , i will declare the pot size and number of players - so we are all singing from the same hymn sheet .
Thanks for the nominations from Greece this week.